Monday, March 30, 2009

Amy's Housework

I really don't love any housework. I do love to have a clean kitchen so I really don't mind cleaning it and doing dishes. I absolutely cannot cook in a dirty kitchen, it make me crazy. The thing I hate the most is floors. Whether it's sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming I hate to do floors. I don't mind dusting really, I just never think to do it. I don't like to do bathrooms either, but Payne does those so I don't really worry about it. I do like to have a clean house but I turn into "mean mom" when it's clean. I'd rather have clutter and be happy than have it spotless and be yelling at the kids about everything they touch.


Unknown said...

Hey, Nickell and I just agreed that we can't cook in a messy kitchen, either. Funny.

Teresa said...

I think my husband is the only one who can do that. I just feel guilty about making more of a mess when its already messy :)

Nickell said...

Come to my moms house, Keith is not the only one.

Lori said...

I'm right behind you Nickell! Kristi's kitchen when she's cooking is unbelieveable!!!! How she's able to make such delicious stuff in such chaos is beyond me!