Thursday, December 31, 2009

Heidi's Driving

Learning to drive was NOT fun for me! Dad, David, Mindy, Jeny and Amy all tried to teach me, and all failed. The problem was that Dad was forcing us to learn on a stick shift. I could not figure out how that clutch was supposed to work and kept stalling all the time. Finally, just before I turned 18, Kathy Southard took me and Lyle out and she was able to explain the clutch in a way that I understood. I got my license, passing the drivers exam by only two points. The guy was not thrilled to give me my license. I still don't consider myself a good driver by any means and don't enjoy any part of driving. Give me a back seat any time!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with the back seat comment completely! I really do not enjoy driving either.