Friday, July 30, 2010

The Video!

During the family reunion some of the guys (and Courtney) made a little video. I know many of you have been dying to watch it again, so here it is. Enjoy.

Mark your withdrawals can now come to an end.


Aaron Blair said...

I just watched it and some of the audio is still off. I'll get that fixed before I send out every ones DVD's. I guess that's what happens when I do it while watching Terminator Salvation. But at least you can watch it in the mean time.

Parkinson Family said...

It never gets old. Thank you, Aaron, for making life better.

Lloyd & Kristi said...

The video was a hit at work this morning!Nobody has ever seen that side of Jordan before so they were all shocked. It was decided that we will keep the video close so that whenever we get mad at someone we will watch "the video". So Aaron and Nickell, thank you for supplying the stress relief for our whole company! :)

Holly Emerson said...


Amy said...

I played it side-by-side with the video on youtube and it's even better!! Aaron, you are the best!

Barry Lauritzen said...

What I want to know is, Courtney, how did you ever manage to keep a straight face during all of that? Have you shown it to your Grandma Pat yet? And, Lloyd, I can't quite make it out -- what are you using to play the musical saw? I mean, what is the bow?

Wow. What a performance.

Lucy Ann Parkinson said...

Thanks for sharing this Heidi. It was great and I loved seeing it. It is a great way to get rit of the stress.

Lloyd & Kristi said...

Lloyd was using a screwdriver as his bow I think. And I agree, Courtney is amazing for having kept a straight face through the whole thing

Tricia Lauritzen said...

OK... That is officially the best movie EVER made!!! I'm pretty sure I now need to double up on my dilotted dosage because I was laughing so hard my stomach pain is awful! This is
A W E S O M E!!! I don't think we should wait this long for another family reunion, I want to actually come to the next one!

Unknown said...

I needed a break from my bin of work that I'm still working through, so I watched this. I am alone in my room here at work, and there are laughing tears running down my face. I am so glad I have a room to myself!!! Ah, I love it!

taraya said...

Every. Single. Person. did so awesome. Still the best ever.