Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I found this video on my flash drive the other day and I think it's worth another look. It still makes me laugh--especially near the end when the girls just bust out singing at the top of their lungs.
I would also like to petition some prayers on our behalf. As most of you know, Matt has been writing a novel and has finally finished it. Over Christmas break he has spent a lot of time researching literary agents and writing letters of inquiry. He got a response from one agent just two days after sending an inquiry and that agent requested the first 3 chapters of his book, which we were very excited about! That means some interest has been generated, though how much we won't know for a while. Anyway, this is going to be a long process, but we would appreciate any prayers offered on behalf of the publication of this book. This has been Matt's dream since he was about 11 years old and it would mean the world to him to see his name in print. Thank you all



Parkinson Family said...

Oh, my goodness! How did you find that? It's so funny! Why did AShley keep slapping herself? And congrats on the beginning of the publishing! I know it'll be a long road, but seriously, I have every confidence that things will happen. It's amazing.

Grandma said...

That is so cute. I love it. We have our fingers crossed for the book. (s)