Saturday, August 11, 2012

End of an era

Well the old green story telling chair is gone.  It went to goodwill today.  Lots and lots of memories of that chair.  Tell us your memories of that chair.  I'd like to hear them.  I'll post a picture of it when I find it.

Hey, why is no one else going to answer the last question?  Kristi did. It was 43 years old. It's time.


Parkinson Family said...

I'm impressed that you guys got rid of that. Very sentimental. It really was time, though. So what's taking it's place?

Lauritzen Family Blog said...

The glider rocker from the bedroom. It was just a clothes hanger in the bedroom. Looks way better in the den.

mindy said...

That's so sad! My memory is sitting in it with Dad reading stories. Brer Rabbit mostly.