Friday, September 14, 2012

Heidi Remembers...

I don't think there was ever a definitive moment when I knew Santa wasn't the man in the red suit who lives at the North Pole. (I know he's actually a real man--he's my dad!) I had my suspicions early on. Once I found a present under the back of the tree from Santa to my mom. The problem with that present was that it was under the tree early in December, well before Santa was to come. Holly and I tried to prove he wasn't real by writing to him one year--I think I was eight. He wrote back, and sure enough, it was my dad's very distinctive handwriting. Christmas is still magical (maybe even more so!) knowing that Santa isn't some random stranger, but a man I know well and love. I do wish we could all have Christmas together again, complete with Amy and broomstick. Those were great times. I'll have to be content doing my best to make it as magical for my own kids. --Heidi 

1 comment:

Lauritzen Family Blog said...

Heidi and Holly both touched my heart with their postings. It does me a lot of good to know that there are some sentimental memories in my children of their clumsy old Dad.