Sunday, January 31, 2010

FR 2010

It's getting closer. We're coming up on our Family Reunion in July and plans are being made. Just a quick reminder to all of you that haven't, money needs to be sent to Dad for the FR fund. Again it is $1 per person in your family per month since the fund has been started not to exceed 5 per month. If it's easier for you to just send it all at once do it. If it's easier for you to send it on a month to month basis, do it that way. Either way, just do it. Please. We're trying to make this as fun as we can and we need everyone's help!

This weekend will be filled, no joke, FILLED with games. We will not be too scheduled. Just enough to add some fun to the week. There will be Rock Band tournaments, Amazing Races, and Idol showdowns. Not to mention the trivial pursuit tournament that will be taking place during the duration of FR 2010. If you have ideas or suggestions of things you would like to see take place during our weekend email me

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And Geocacheing! Remember that! it's super fun!