Sunday, January 31, 2010


Tiger finally let us hold him again! We are chicken, because he always nips at us, so we're wearing gloves. He didn't bite this time though. Wish I knew what made the difference. So here's the Tiger update picture. He's getting big, isn't he? You can't see his tail, but it would be touching Jonah's elbow if you could see it. We fed him a baby mouse the other day. He loved it!


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! He's huge! I'm so glad you can hold him now. Angela (his mom) is still pretty mean. Mark took he rout of her cage the other day and put her on the floor. When he went to pick her up she bit his finger, and he just picked her up that way - she wouldn't let go!

mindy said...

You really let her run around on the floor? Doesn't she hide or run away?

Unknown said...

oh, yes. They both can get out and run around occasionally. We even take them outside on a warm day when we haven't put any fertilizer on the grass. Lou loves it! They really don't move very fast.