Friday, June 25, 2010

A Little of the Plans.

So Saturday was going to be a pretty big day. However, I know of a few people that have to leave that morning so we're making Friday the biggest day and Thursday and Saturday will be a little more relaxed. Anyway, for Saturday I am planning a game day. There will be the following games:

Rock Band (I've talked to some of you about bringing your Wii consoles and Rock Band systems with you so we can have as many people playing as would like to. If for some reason something has changed and you can no longer bring yours please let me know asap. We will be bringing ours as well. Also, if there are any of you that I did NOT talk to about it but you have one you'd like to bring, let me know!)

Trivial Pursuit (Same with this, I haven't talked to anyone but if you have the game, please bring it. Just comment and let me know you're going to bring it.)


Rumoli (Jeny will you bring your pennies please? This game is actually still up in the air....not sure if we'll worry about it or not)

Humzinger... (that's what it's called right?)

I am open for more suggestions, this is just what I have so far. So basically Saturday will just be games and food and fun.

Here are some other things we'll have to look forward to on Thursday and Friday

Missionary care package table for you to make stuff for Elder Grierson
A FRIENDLY musical competition
There's more but that's just a preview.


Parkinson Family said...

good food and humzinger with mark is the recipe for success. i'm excited!!!

Amy said...

Rumoli is a must!!

Amy said...

BTW, are we doing breakfast at BF park the first day? Is anyone going to want lunch or should we just come up with some snacks or something?