Monday, May 21, 2012

Holly's friends

I had 3 best friends when I was in elementary school. Jason Woolsey, Nathan Richie, and Adam Decker. The three of us used to play on the swings during recess or play games on the playground. Sadly, I don't remember their phone numbers. (Jeny, you crack me up!) We had lots of fun together, but we didn't ever do anything outside of school. I had two built-in friends at home. Heidi and I played a lot of Barbies and Matt and I played catch for hours on end. The three of us used to love climbing the oak trees in the backyard and riding bikes.

1 comment:

Lauritzen Family Blog said...

I love seeing what you kids remember of your youth. Most of which I don't remember or didn't know at the time. This is fun!