Saturday, May 12, 2012

Jeny's Friends

Here's my friend reply.  I'm writing it from work because I am a little frustrated with work, so I'm taking it out on work.  
My best friend growing up was Stephanie Chadwick-801-225-1009.  I  remember dialing her on the phone in the kitchen in West Jordan.   It had a long, curly cord that was always tangled.  Phones used to have cords, you know.
We usually played outside on either her swing set or in the ditch behind the Hardcastle's house (shhh, Don't tell Mom that)!
We loved to be Batman and Robin the most.  I wonder why?  I don't even think I liked watching Batman and Robin much, but that's what we were.  When we played inside it was usually at our house, because I really didn't much like being in her house.  It felt dark and cold.  We would go in the basement and play with the fisher price castle.  I really liked the trap door/dungeon!  So cool!  We could play with the fisher price things for hours.  We also liked watching Bonanza (because Little Joe was so cute!)  Stephanie saw "Jaws" with her family and was so tone deaf (although her mom made her take piano lessons anyway.  She was AWFUL!)  After she saw the movie, she often went to the piano and tried to play the music that happened when the shark was about to appear. Now that I have seen bits of Jaws, I still can't figure out what she was playing. 
She was fun!  I teased her about her lack of musical skills, and she teased me about my lack of any atheletic abiulities, and we got along great!I haven't heard anything form her for years.  Last I heard she was in Alpine, and her hubby was a BYU Associate Professor of Business. 
Now Mark is my best friend, and I like it that way!

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