Friday, April 25, 2008

The Bruce Family April 2008

Well, April is almost over, so I guess I'll go ahead and blog about our month. It has been pretty busy, but so much fun. Derek and MaKayla have started softball and t-ball. Between their practices and games, we stay pretty busy. They both love the sport and are continuing to get better every time I watch them. We had a surge of very bad storms at the beginning of this month that left a lot of the state pretty messed up. Between the tornadoes and the flooding, much of the state was considered a disaster area by the federal government. It has perked up quite a bit though. Everything has turned green and all our flowers are blooming. The birds and insects are out in full force, our favorite being our woodpecker friend (as Derek calls it). He is enjoying all the animals around our neighborhood and considers all of them his friends. Meaghan turned 8 on the 18Th and had a huge party. She got Littlest Pet Shop toys from everyone. Both her mother and I are flooding in these little pets. She's loving it though. Cassie is growing so fast. She has cut her first 2 teeth this month and is attempting to crawl. This is a surprise to all of us, because she really has no desire to move at all. She knows if she fusses enough, her brother will give her whatever she wants. It's pretty funny how she has him figured out. :) Not much is going on with Keith and me. Keith is still working and I'm still hanging at the house with the kids and taking lots of pictures. I hope everyone is doing well. Love you guys!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

What cute kids! I love this blog thing so I can see what's going on in the family. Keep posting these great pictures!