Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Amy's New Address

We have finally gotten all moved in to our new home! I emptied the last box just a few hours ago and it's all put away except for the pictures. And it's been too hot to put up the trampoline. But everything else is done. What a relief! And without even trying we ended up in Lori's old ward. Our new info is:
9830 Morningfield
San Antonio, TX 78250
Email addresses and cell phone numbers will stay the same. We have lots of room so if anyone wants to come visit...!


mindy said...

You're already unpacked!? That took me months! Congrats on the new house.

Amy said...

I can't stand living out of boxes and not knowing where things are. I had to get it done. Plus we only have 15 days to call the moving company to pick up the empties.