Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Heidi's Most Recent Triumph

My most recent triumph is the framing being officially DONE for the basement bedroom!! We have an electrician coming next week for the wiring, then we put actual walls up! It's very exciting to finally see this getting so close. The girls are really getting cabin fever sharing one room. The not so exciting part was picking out carpeting yesterday. It's worth it's weight in gold.


mindy said...

Boy, you're not kidding about carpet. We ended up having to get the cheapest stuff at Home Depot for this place, and it's already matted and ugly, and it was $3000! Well, that was all the flooring and installation, but still. Way to go on the framing. That does take a long time.

Grandma said...

That's great. Glad you have that done. It feels so good to get things done.

mindy said...

By the way, yay for the post!