Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's Always Fun When Grandpa Comes......

. . . and babysits Leah while we go Geocaching! Here are some (ok, lots) of pictures of us going geocaching today. Mindy, Holly and their kids came on a gentle hike in flipflops, and we ended up doing more than we should have in flip flops, but it was still prety fun. Jonah caught grasshoppers and Megan and I caught preying mantises (manti?) so now my roses can be aphid free. YAY! We found 2 caches and the gentle walk helped all the back pained people get out and move around a bit. We're pathetic. We had fun.

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Teresa said...

Did you guys have fun geocaching? Does everyone like it as much as we do? I didn't know your hair was so long Aunt Jeny :)

Unknown said...

I love it! and the hair is probably going very soon. It's driving me nuts!

Amy said...

Jeny, is it just the picture or are you super skinny? You look great! I thought you didn't diet? Or is it from that medication?

Unknown said...

It's still from the medication. I am walking about 30 minutes a day - kind of a combination to get my joints "lubricated" as the Dr says and get ready to try Maple Mountain again. It's not any really big workout, but that combined with eating alot less have helped me lose 30 lbs. Yay! Yay for arthritis drugs that make me lose my apetite!

mindy said...

Jeny is super skinny and she looks great! We'd never been geocaching before. That was so fun! It would have been better if we'd had good shoes on, and if Jeny and I weren't hurting so much, but I'm really looking forward to doing it again at the reunion next year.