Monday, November 16, 2009

Mindy's Catch Up

Paper's done! I can catch up now. My favorite one on one time with Dad was when I'd snuggle up with him to work on a crossword puzzle. Most of the time I wasn't really helping him, as he let me believe, but every once in a while I'd get one he didn't know, and boy did that make me feel like big stuff!

Dad, I think it's funny that of all the academic classes you took in high school, typing is the one you most appreciate now! Typing wasn't even a whole class for me. It was just a part of computer time. Funny. I do really appreciate knowing how to type though. That's the skill I learned in school that I appreciate too. I think the academic skill that I most appreciate is grammar. We all learned that from Dad too, but it makes such a difference to know how to speak and write correctly.

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