Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jeny's post for the blog. Don't say I never post. Even though I rarely do

Do you (without cheating by looking it up) know who was in that movie, and about when it was made?

Mark had a guy from the Bonneville Speedway come to his work yesterday to help with some radios he had purchased for the Speed Races this week. He brought along several tickets and other goodies for the races. Since we are responsible adults with jobs that rely on us to get things done, we took today off and went to the salt flats. I have driven through there, but I have never gone to the state park (woohoo! flat salt land as far as the eye can see.) and certainly never to see the fastest cars in the world zip by.

We did not have much time (it tool 3 hours to get there, and Tara didn't get up until 11) so I didn't get the pictures of everything I wanted to, but here's what I got.

A really fast car. I think this one went about 180 MPH. It was not the fastest car we saw. We saw several that went over 200 MPH, but they were too fast for me and my camera.
Our feet on the salt. All that white all around us is just a big field of salt.

Tara's favorite car.

Jeny's favorite car. We didn't have time to get Mark with his favorite. It looked like a giant red bullet.

Now, don't laugh too hard. I was trying to get a still photo but apparently the camera was in movie mode. But it was the best movie of fastness that I got.


Unknown said...

OK, so the video didn't post, and the Title of this was supposed to be "A Day At The Races". That is the movie that I am asking about at the beginning of this post. Sheesh, nothing is working for me this week!

Unknown said...

I just checked and the video worked on my blog. Take a look at it there. Below the celebration post.