Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Dearest Family:

I offer you a challenge. A challenge with great benefits that will accrue to all those who accept it.

Mom and I have each individually just finished reading a book by the author of "The Peacegiver". The new book is "The Holy Secret" by James L. Ferrell. To me, it is one of the most impactful books I have ever read, short of the scriptures themselves. It is a small, 214 page book that -- as far as the writing style is concerned -- is very readable. However, I predict that it will take you a lot longer time to read it than you think it will because you will read a few pages, then stop and ponder and perhaps even pray before continuing on.

This little book does many things. It answers some particular doctrinal questions that have caused both Mom and me to ask for answers that we were unable to find elsewhere. For instance, why did God give Adam and Eve what appears to be contradictory commandments, i.e. "multiply and replenish the earth", vs. "thou shalt not eat of the tree of knowledge". The answer is here.

Here is the challenge. Get the book and read it individually. Then, read it together as husband and wife and perhaps with some of your older children. Mom and I are now going to read it aloud together. Then, share your thoughts, questions, observations, with the rest of us in the BLOG. I think this could result in a very healthy exchange. Only one rule: thou shalt not share any thoughts, questions, or observations that are critical of any individual or any ethnic group. Keep it as charitable as possible.

I hope you will accept this challenge. I think it will cause all of us to grow much faster than we possibly could any other way. What Bro. Ferrell presents is truly a "Holy Secret".
God bless you all. We love you and pray for the very best of this mortal experience for each of you.

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