Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Teresa's First Memories

This one is hard, because I have some old memories but I don't know how old I was. So here is what I'm going to do: Im going to post some memories and maybe my mom can give a timeline of when they occured. The problem is, I dont remember in great detail, so they're kind of vague and you're going to have to guess mom :)
The first one that pops into my head is from Spain. I remember walking down the street with a really tall and really old guy. I knew he was my famly, but I didn't know him very well and I only knew a little of what he was saying. My dad and grandpa were walking in front of me. Thats all I remember of that time.
The next that comes to mind is shortly after we moved to the house by Lake Nasworthy. I was playing in the living room and mom started hitting the wall and floor in the hall alot. When I went into the hallway, there were a million (it seemed like) black widows coming out of the vent in the hall.
Of course flooding the apartment.
Getting a doll when april was born and thinking "I want to play with the real one".
One that I think I was the youngest for though I dont remember where it was. I cant remember those details. I was watching muppet babies, but I dont know if it was in english or spanish (i want to say spanish). I wasn't wearing pants and i was sitting in a wooden chair that was my size. I remember singing with the tv (and kind of bouncing up and down in the chair a little) and then the chair pinched me. I was more mad than hurt. Thats all I remember.
So those ones are the ones in the running for earliest memory. Now its up to you mom to put them in order :)


Parkinson Family said...

AHHH!! I never heard the black widow story. I'm going to need more details on that one! Yuck!

Teresa said...

All I can remember is being in the living room, and when I moved to the hallway after several bangs, mom was on her knees chasing 2 towards the back door with a shoe, one was dead next to her and another one was crawling on the vent. It was very gross and mom was so aggrivated because she had been cleaning all day.

Lori said...

Okay, here goes. The tall man was your bisabuelo Nicolàs and we walked everywhere so it's hard to say where we were going or what we were doing.
The Peceñecos (muppet babies) is probably the earliest. Your abuelitos have an itty-bitty chair that was made for your bisabuelo José. You were about 20 months old and you loved sitting there in your diaper and fancy undershirt eating a bollo (pastry roll) and singing along...
"peceñecos, podeis imaginar..." You always bounced up and down [even though the chair doesn't] while singing it. Just imagine Gaba Gaba in Spanish - that's how cute it was! I still remember most of the words to the song!!
Flooding the apartment was next. Funny thing. Nico and I went to an AA Easter party on Easter Sunday, and you'll never guess who's house it was! Rachelle's old house here (Rachelle was your co-conspirator in the flood of 1988). The owner of the house now asked how I knew where the restroom was. Maybe we'll go visit her when you come here and you can see if you remember the house.
The black widow story was when you were about 6 or 7. Yuck! but I got 'em all!