Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mullan Trip

Dear Family:

I just wanted to share with you a few of the pictures we took while up in Mullan and Moscow in August. So, here goes:

This is our house in Mullan. My room was the window on the second floor. It was an all-white house then, although Dad had the aluminum roof added, and we worked together to move the porch steps from the front to the end, where they are now.

My high school is directly across the street.

Here is the building where we went to church in Wallace. The lower floor of the red brick part of the building was a tire store as I remember, and we entered through the door on the back right next to the white wall of the building. We had to get there early on Sunday morning because this was a union labor hall, and we had to clear out the beer bottles and cans and the cigar butts before we could hold Sunday School.

How many times have I told you about working at the Economy Grocery. Here are views of the front and back of what used to be the Economy (on the left) and the Silver Dollar Saloon.

There were other buildings on both sides, but they are gone, now. I used to back the delivery pickup under what now looks like a collapsing white roof. The long red building on the left of the picture was part of the old Silver Dollar saloon.

One final picture. This was the first house in which Grandma Lauritzen (my mother) lived as a child. It is the white one.

And, maybe you can see how beautiful the surroundings are in Mullan. Lots of trees. Very pretty.

And, here is Mindy’s new home.

Hope you all enjoy these pictures.



Unknown said...

did you go say hi to your friend that owns the gas station? The one that I visited about 7 years ago?

Teresa said...

I love how the town is nestled in the Pine trees. Its very cute

Parkinson Family said...

I loved seeing this, Dad! Thank you. Do you have any old pictures of you near any of these buildings that we can compare?

Barry Lauritzen said...

Jeny - Yes, I did. That was Jim Polla, and we had several visits while I was there.
Heidi - No pictures that could be put on the blog. Just old yearbook entries.
Glad some of you enjoyed this.
