The talents/skills that I have are mostly the same as all of you. I am not afraid to try and fix anything myself (except for the microwave). I think I have the least amount of skill in sewing of anyone else in our family, but I can still do it, unlike most of the roommates I ever had. I do appreciate Mom teaching us all that very useful skill. Gardening is another thing that comes to mind. I love to see things grow!
As for smells, there is only one that I love that I don't think anyone mentioned, and that is Home Depot. I love walking in the lumber section just to smell the freshly cut wood.
I never had any pets of my own when I was a kid. I shared the bunny with Heidi and Matt, but that's about it. We certainly never had a shortage of animals in our house!
There were a lot of teachers and classes that had a big impact in my life. I will always be grateful to Miss Maykowski for teaching me music theory and sight reading. I see now how lucky we were to be able to learn that skill. There are VERY few people in this world who can sight read! I took a class at Ricks on the fundamentals of scripture study that was amazing. I got a C in that class because it was so challenging, but I still remember the great lessons I learned.
As for Saturday activities when I was a child, I really don't know. All I remember is Mom or Dad waking us up to do our chores and weed 2 rows of the garden. I loved playing soccer or catch in the back yard, and I loved going on picnics to Garden of the Gods. I think that's it!
Nothing is really new here. I have 6 more weeks or so until I deliver, and I'm getting excited to see what this one looks like. Shannon is going to love having a sister!
I can't believe you're almost done being pregnant! That is so cool. :)I can't wait for the little one to be born so I can see some pictures
Yay for belly pics!
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