Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Night to Remember

So how's this for fun? Payne and I got to usher last night at the Louisville Palace for Air Supply! They started with 30 minutes of the symphony and then the strings stayed and played with Air Supply for their part of the concert. It was so much fun!! Admit it, you're all jealous (with the exception of Mom and Dad who probably have no idea what I'm talking about). Because of our current weather situation we have someone from our ward staying with us because she has no electricity, and she graciously agreed to help out with the kids so we could go. We even got to go out with my old bishop and his wife afterwards (his wife runs the Palace, it's great to know the right people). So we stayed out until 1:30 in the morning. I don't think we've ever done that, ever! And the concert was great! It's really nice to get paid to see a concert that others have paid over $100 to see. March is the Pointer Sisters. I'm not thrilled about that one but Payne wants to see them. I may let him go to that one alone.



Unknown said...

super cool! I guess. Are they all old and wrinkled?

Holly Emerson said...

Jeny! You mean you haven't seen them on the infomercials on channel 16?! They still sound great. I wouldn't be excited about the Pointer Sisters either.

Teresa said...

My mother in law will be SO jealous. She is in love with Air Supply. One has a ridiculous amount of tattoos, but they look really good for their age I think :) That is so cool Amy! How fun :)

Amy said...

They actually didn't look too bad. They sure had a lot of energy. The little guy just bounces around the stage!

Unknown said...

he kinda reminds me of Richard Simmons. LOL (that was for Tara)

mindy said...
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