Friday, October 9, 2009

Holly's Fear

I, like everyone else, was afraid of the person under my bed grabbing my feet when I stood up. Did someone tell us a story that made us all afraid of that? That fear stayed with me for a long time. I was scared of a lot of things as a child, but losing Mom was probably my biggest fear. I was afraid of roller coasters and water slides for a long time. I'm not afraid of a whole lot anymore. The thought of losing a family member is scary, of course, but I am able to vacuum and shower when I'm home alone and I can sleep with my door closed.


Unknown said...

How can anyone sleep with the door closed? This thing really baffles me! There are so many things that you need to have the door opened for, like the axe murderer, the person coming in to take your kids, the kids sneaking in/out at night, the kids vomiting in their sleep, etc. How do you do it?

Lori said...

Besides, Holly, now you have a man in your room at night. Keeping the door closed during sleeping hours could get you asphyxiated!

mindy said...

I hear that, Lori! I don't like to sleep with the door closed either. I like to be able to hear the kids if they need me. And the smoke alarm when it goes off at 5 in the morning.