Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Teresa's Answers

So I'm still here, just been quite the slacker when it comes to blogging. :)
My fears- I don't remember having alot of fears when I was little. I remember having to sleep facing the wall because I was nervous about those huge Texas bugs climbing up the wall and getting in bed with me. So I guess you could say I'm "scared" of huge bugs. They really give me the creeps. Im also scared of alien movies. When I saw Signs in the theaters, I almost left in the middle of it when they watch the video of the party in Mexico and the alien shows up. Its not so much the actual movie, but the music buildup was pretty good at getting you good and scared. :)

Junk drawer- haha which one?! I have quite a few junk drawers with different junk depending on what room your in. The junkiest would probably be the drawer next to my bed... medicine, crayons, scrapbooking books (mini ones), pictures, tape, jewelry, nail polish... and thats just what I can think of off the top of my head. Thats really where I put stuff when I find Cassie has something she's not supposed to be playing with. :)

A moment with my dad- I'd have to say one of my favorites was our 2 week moment when the 2 of us went to Spain together. We made it a habit to get these lemon slushies and churros con chocolate on a regular basis. It was really nice just to be in Spain and it just be the 2 of us so there was no arguing or anything (cause that was before me and my siblings really starting getting along and playing together on purpose). That was a really fun trip and I can't wait to go back with him someday.

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