Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Jeny's Fear

"Fear is a Fool of the Devil." - Lori
I just had to put that in before Lori or Kristi got to it. Good memories. So my big fear as a child was of the hand that was going to reach out and grab my feet when I got out of bed at night. It had to be dark. Apparently the hand went away in the daylight. Now the hand has turned into the axe murderer coming up my stairs. That's why I have to sleep with the door opened. I have to be able to hear when he comes up the stairs. I also can't vacuum when nobody else is in the house. He (the axe murderer) might come up behind me when I can't hear. I'm also very afraid of going downhill fast. Roller coasters are my enemy. Skiing is not my friend. Parachuting and Paragliding are just called stupid in my home. Spencer wanted to go stupid last weekend, and wasn't able because of the wind. I am very grateful for wind that prevents stupid. I'm also afraid of driving in Utah, but it's required. Mark won't take me everywhere I want to go. Mean.
I have no real catching up to do. My world is consumed with sending Spencer to Brazil. My first missionary and my baby. No kids left at home. I am experiencing withdrawal. Right now I only cry in inappropriate situations like at restaurants and grocery stores. Maybe next week I'll cry at home in private, too. My fridge is empty because all my shopping time is spent collecting those all important missionary things like shoe polish kits and 13 pair of socks. I would guess this isn't a big thing for most people, but you just go out and try to find 13 pairs of black sock that would fit on feet the size of skis.
That's it. I really have tons of fears but I try to concentrate on other things so I don't go batty. Oh, wait. That didn't work.



Lloyd & Kristi said...

How do you get out of Bed in the morning? I had no idea you were afraid of so many things!

Amy said...

What about Heidi? Is she seriously afraid of bugs??? I didn't think anyone in our family was afraid of bugs. And fear IS the fool of the devil. I must have gotten my fear of the scary guy under the bed from you.

Unknown said...

It's supposed to be Tool, not Fool.

Nathan said...

Afraid to Vacuum alone?... I can't say I remember that one.

Unknown said...

Nathan, is that you? It's a little creepy that this is all you said, if it is you. It's a little more creepy if it isn't you, but the tiny picture looks like it might be. Maybe I just got a new fear?

Nathan said...

sorry, didn't mean to be creepy.
I didn't see an email address, and I didn't want to type a long message on your mom's family blog. I just couldn't resist commenting on the fears, too cute.

mindy said...

Wait a minute! Nathan who?

Lauritzen Family Blog said...

Yes Nathan who plus.... I copied and pasted Jeny.

Nathan said...

Nathan Passey. I knew Jeny in High School. I didn't intend to cause a stir, just wanted to say 'hi'. Your family all looks wonderful and seems like everyone is very happy.

Unknown said...

Nick, I don't understand the copied and pasted thing. If you were Mom, I think you would be seeking praise for learning a hard cmputer trick, but I think you know how to copy and paste, and I don't see anything copied.
Hi Nathan. It's been a very long time! My kids are out of high school now. Weird. I don't know how to give you an email address without the whole world getting it, and you know how creepy those blog stalkers can be! Where are you now?

Nathan said...

I changed my profile to link an email address, but like you I don't like to leave it that way (you're not the only one with fears). Click on my name to get to my profile. I'll change it back in a day or two.
We're in Washington, just outside of Spokane, and other than being way too cold right now, things are good.

Nickell said...

I'm saying that I copied and pasted your email into the post. So you put fool not tool. It wasn't my fault. Just clarifying. Plus when you refer to "mom" you really should say grandma. Since you know... she's my grandma.

Unknown said...

no.. everything was right. Kristi and I jumped out at Lori, scared her a lot and she got mad at us and said that quote, but said fool, not tool.