Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mom's Answer + an Update

I was put in a basement bedroom alone. The stairs didn't have backs and I was always afraid as I was walking down them that someone would grab my ankle from behind. I still hate to go downstairs in the dark without backs on the stairs.

It's really autumn here. We got a good freeze last night--it was 30 when Dad got up this morning. The begonias are very frozen. The leaves have been falling all week and it's really beautiful. We have leaves of every color now. If you drive down Summerset a bit, you can see bright yellow, red, orange and green trees, Pikes Peak, and Garden of the Gods if the sun is shining on it. It really is an amazing sight. I think winter is close. The wooly catapillar is very wooly now.
Matt got busy today and started peeling the linoleum in the laundry room. It is really glued on good. I think it was more work than he thought it would be. Will be nice to have it look good. When he does something it really is done perfectly. He detailed Dad's truck and it looks brand new.
Please write and let us know what is going on at your house.


mindy said...

Mom, thanks for sending a question. The rest of the questions in my journal jar are either too personal, too similar to other questions, or too corny to put on, and I haven't gone looking for new questions lately. Been kinda busy. It's been colder here too. Fun to have the fireplace on while I study for a test, see the changing colors of the leaves, etc. Jonah's pumpkins are almost all orange now. I love the changing seasons.

Grandma said...

I have about 5 lists of questions so I'll keep it up. I hope I don't use any we've used yet. Hard to remember. I'll bet you are busy now. 4 classes are quite ambitious, with your family, and church and kids schools. It's really fall here too. Our orange sumac and red burning bushes look really neat together. I need to plant something that goes yellow by them. I'm glad you answered. I hope others do to.

Unknown said...

weird how our fears have something to do with the grabbing of our feet. I wonder if there is something significant in that?

Lori said...

C'mon Mindy...too personal and too corny are the best kind of questions!