Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mindy's Games

I always played Barbies. Even when I was too old to play Barbies I still played with them. As some of my friends outgrew them, they also outgrew me because that's all I ever wanted to play. The twins and I liked to dress up, hit the tennis ball back and forth across the street, look for spear grass or Indian paint brushes in the field, play parachute with the sheet on the big bed we shared, and sing along with little records that we played on my red and white striped portable record player. David and I would set up the army guys on the hearth and shoot them down with rubber bands. I also read a lot. I don't remember any neighborhood play.


Lloyd & Kristi said...

Wait a minute: You got to have Barbies? I thought those were against the rules! I remember saving money to buy a miss america barbie from a ceral box and dad wouldn't let me get it. I guess our parents got soft in their old age! :)

Unknown said...

What? We got the Miss america Barbie! I have it in my Barbie box at home right now. I even still have her dress and cape!

Barry Lauritzen said...

Mom and Dad did get soft in their old age. I still think Barbies are inappropriate, but we finally made a concession to the times.

Teresa said...

barbies aren't as bad as bratz! I hate them. Stupidest, most inappropriate dolls ever made for kids!

Unknown said...

I would have to agree with the bratz thing. The name is stupid enough that I can't believe anyone ever buys them!