Saturday, August 9, 2008

Ninja Nico

You may find this as amusing as did I. Nico is in a Ninja phase and everything is Ninja all the time! He's got the sword and the 'throwing stars' and he wanted a headband too. We've looked everywhere for what he wanted and he was never satisfied with what we found, so we decided to make it. This is his own goofy creation - made out of a thin polyester material and metallic paint. For those of you less artistically inclined, that is a silver medal with a metallic blue music note in the middle of it. Go figure!!!


Teresa said...

You got his headband done! He looks so "cool"! You should have got a picture with his sword down the back of his shirt though. :)

Unknown said...

I love the superman-ninja look! All ninjas make their own outfits, don't ya know. It's part of the ninja training.

Teresa said...

I was trying to tell Keith about the cowboy ninja (you know, sword down the shirt, cowboy hat, and glasses) and he didn't get it. If he does that again, post a picture on your blog so I can show him!

Teresa said...

Derek just saw these pictures and said "Cool Nico's playing abataw (avatar). I want to play that with him. Let's go back to Nico's house."