Thursday, August 28, 2008

Teresa's Games

One of my FAVORITE games when I was little was garbage truck with my dad. We would lay on our stomach across his feet (he would be laying un his back lloking like he was about to do a sit up) and he would flip us up (similar to how a garbage truck flips a trash can over). We would also play Barbies alot... oh and tents. We loved building blanket tents in the house. We usually had a pool wherever we lived, so we spent alot time swimming too. I don't really remember any more specific games. I usually played whatever I wanted and made my brother and sister play along with me. They usually got the worst part of whatever game I had planned for us and I always had fun. I'm alsmost positive that my brother and sister did not have as much fun as I did, but I can't say for sure. :)


Teresa said...

can you tell i don't proofread these things before I send them off. haha

Unknown said...

hmmm, Lori used to play games with us that sound similar to how you played with your siblings. Is that an oldest child thing, or did she teach you that?

Teresa said...

I do believe it's an older sister aura... MaKayla does the same thing. Keith thinks I was horrible, but he doesn't get it because he's the baby of his family.