Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mom Catching Up....Finally....

This is Mom, Grandma,
We've been offline for a while so I get to catch up again. It took me half a day to catch on the blogs.
I don't remember what I liked as a child to eat. I just love food. I think it was potatoes, and greeen beans. I didn't realize that everyone else ate differently until I got a best friend and she invited me over on Sundays to watch Bonanza and eat potato chips and dip and Dr Pepper. It was so good. We had carob for chocolate and deer meat instead of beef, whole wheat everything, and lots of carrot juice and tigers milk. Yuck. Now I love everything except beets and whole wheat cereal.
When I grew up I wanted to be a swimming star like Ester Williams, then an ice skating star like Sonja Heine. And on and on. I never could make up my mind. But I did want to be a mom. And it was the best.
My dream vacation I've already taken. I really wanted to go to Europe. It was great but needed to be 2 weeks in each country, It was very hard to see much in two weeks but it was a great trip. Our trip to Israel was something I never thought we could do was possible. It was amazing. It makes the scriptures come alive. You can just picture where everything is. It really makes it real. Hawaii was so much fun and our trips to Canada were great, and to Colonial Juarez and Diaz. It was quite fun to be the foreigner at the temple there and have to wear earphones. I would love to go to Machu Pichu also. My cousin Mike went on a mission to New Zealand and I'd love to see that. The Scandinavian countries also. But Ireland and Scotland would be great for geneology. It would be so fun to see the home of the Brakenrigs. There are lots of places I'd love to go to look at cemeteries. I can't even pick just one. I feel very blessed to have been to the places I've been to. A cruise would be such fun with all of us. Maybe the girls can go sometime.
I love the blog. Keep it up. I'll try to do better. I just love to read about what all of you and your beautiful children are doing. Don't I just have the best looking and the nicest children and grandchildren. Love you all.

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