Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Teresa Wanted to Be...

Okay this is fun! I always like looking back and seeing how things changed as far as my goals.
The earliest carrer I can remember wanting is an artist- I thought I was a fabulous painter. (This is fourth grade) Soon I realized I was not good at anything but cartoony stuff. But not really good like cartoon shows, more like one picture comics. So that ended.
Soon after that (while mom was in nursing school) I became quite fascinated with surgery. I decided that brain surgery was the way to go. Thats all I wanted to be for like 3 years. Then I realized there is a great deal of patience and precision needed or people die. Knowing I lacked in both those areas, I decided that was a bad idea.
Anesthesiology was the goal briefly in middle school when I started taking Chemistry, but that was very briefly.
The longest lasting goal was Linguistics. I wanted to be an Intel Linguist for the Air Force for probably 5 or 6 years. I was good with language and I loved the Air Force- win/win
I don't think I ever wanted to be married or have kids. I enjoy having kids and being married now, but I still don't like staying at home all day. Crazy how it changes!

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