Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Heidi's Neighborhood Memory

My most memorable experience in my neighborhood happened out here in Blacksburg. I was watching t.v. while Rachel was taking a nap and heard a thumping sound. I thought it was Rachel in her crib just waking up, then saw out the window that two boys no older than 12 were using a 2x4 to pound out the window of my next-door neighbor's door. As I looked out, one of the boys saw me looking at them and came over to our house. I quickly locked the door as he started knocking. He gave up and went back to the neighbor's. I called 911 while the boys continued trying to break in next door. Ashley and Melissa were so terrified at this point that they were hiding under our end table. That was funny. The police were able to get there in time and caught both boys. I had to go to court, but they pleaded no contest, so I didn't have to testify. It was very exciting!!

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