Friday, May 9, 2008

Best Product Ever!!

I had to share about this wonderful stuff that kills ants. A couple weeks ago, I found a couple of rogue ants scurrying around my living room. My dad told me about this wonderful stuff he found at Lowes. I put a couple drops on paper in the corner or the room. The next day the paper was covered in ants. I had no idea there were so many ants hanging around my house!!! It stayed covered in ants for almost 2 days. About 4 days later, they were all gone. I have not seen a single ant in my entire house since then. I am so happy, because ants are a real problem for most around here. My dad says he usually has to put it out once or twice a year, but he never sees ants anywhere. My favorite part is that you never use the whole bottle and I cost me a grand total of $3. A LOT cheaper than Raid and lasts a lot longer. I just think its the greatest thing ever because I don't care for ants or cockroaches and if they get in my house I have a fit. I recommend this as an A++ if you come to find an ant in your house. You'd be surprised whats hiding where you can't see. I was!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

We were all very glad to hear about terro. Thanks for that. Grandma