Friday, September 5, 2008

Holly's Games

I pretty much played the same games as Heidi, but when I played with Barbies I was usually injuring them so that I could make a cast out of toilet paper and water. We had a few Barbie funerals as well. I guess I was a morbid child. I also remember loving Connect 4, Trivial Pursuit, Stratego, Skip-Bo, and all of the other games you have all mentioned. My favorite was playing catch with Matt and playing night games like Flashlight Tag and "Ghostbusters" (that was a sort of hide-and-seek game in the dark that we made up). We were actually pretty good at making up games. Heidi, Matt and I used to climb the oak tree out back and we each had our own designated spots where we would sit and pretend to be flying an airplane or we would spy on the neighbors, sure we were going to catch someone committing a crime. We had vivid imaginations and never wanted for anything to do!

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