Monday, September 8, 2008

Mindy's Talents/Skills

I've been increasingly grateful to our parents for the things they taught us to do. First I'd have to say they taught me to try things I don't know how to do. I'm not afraid to take the pipes under the sink apart, or rip out a wall. I don't remember ever having plumbers, electricians, or repair men around because Mom and Dad always took care of things themselves. Sewing is a skill I've been very grateful for. I've been able to make a little business out of it and that helps especially now when Jason isn't working. Music is another talent that I've always been glad I've had. My kids don't seem to like singing as much as I do, and that makes me sad. I'm very glad to know how to can. There's a girl at the law school who has just discovered the joys of canning. She's fun to talk to because she gets so excited about it and how much money she's saving. It's a lot of work, but it's so fulfilling to hear the little pops of the can lids when they seal, and to see a shelf full of bottles of food after a day of canning.


Parkinson Family said...

I LOVE that popping sound!!!

Unknown said...

I do, too! It's so great to know that what you worked on all day was done right!

Teresa said...

I have never known that joy... I have no idea how to can! :)

Amy said...

You need to call me cause I am new to it, too. And everytime I hear that pop I do a little "woo-hoo". It is very satisfying!

Unknown said...

I've been doing it for years, and we ALL do the wohoo thing - even Spencer (although it isn't done with the same enthusiasm that he used to have).

Holly Emerson said...

My husband thinks I am weird when I say woohoo every time I hear the pop. It really is a great sound!