Thursday, November 13, 2008

From Teresa

Let me start off by saying I don't intend on running a "Support Obama" campaign because that is very far from the truth. I got the following from a friend and it made a big impact on me. I have really taken to heart the discussions on hope from grandpa and the missionaries. I take great pride in being a United States citizen and being able to have my own opinion. I think the following letter is a great way to be positive and not let negative energy consume us. I have always taken great pride in our country and the way it is. Some of it is awful, some of it is great. I love the fact that we have a voice as a whole and as individuals. I firmly believe that there is reason to most everything in life. If this is the beginning of the end, there is a reason. I can't spend my time being upset or confused like I have been because it's making me a less like-able person. Please feel free to leave your opinion in agreement or disagreement. I know I am only 24 and quite naive in the grand ways of the world, so I won't be offended if you tell me so. :) I would just like to hear other opinion on the topic because all I got from the hubby is "I agree" :)
I have my own concession speech to give. I didn't vote for or support Barak Obama, becase I disagree with him on most everything. I voted for John McCain. However, even though I didn't vote for Obama, I will respect his position as the President of the United States, the most powerful title on the planet.

I don't like the way the 2008 election turned out.

I don't like that 50% of America actually voted for a man who has been accused numerous times of having terrorist connections.

I don't like the fact that our president-elect reportedly refuses to produce a valid US birth certificate to prove his citizenship.

I don't like the fact that Obama has always voted for the most liberal policies in our country , since the beginning of his political career.

I don't like the fact that Colin Powell endorsed him.

I don't even want to think about the policies that he and the predominantly Democratic Senate and Congress plan to sign into law, such as:

Gun Control

Stealing from the rich to feed the poor

More handouts/Fewer "Hand-ups"

Socialized Health Care and Housing

A Weakened Military Force

Regulations and/or banning of Christian radio and TV programming

Not only do I dislike all of these things, but I am also a little afraid, to be honest.

I'm afraid my children will end up with fewer liberties than I have had.

I'm afraid that people won't strive so hard to reach the American Dream if the poor have everything handed to them by the government, and the rich are forced to pay that cost.

I'm afraid my religious freedoms are threatened.

I'm concerne that the small portion of white-hating Americans will pull the race card and use this as an agenda-win, and breed more violence and hatred.

Even though I know that God is not wringing his hands, wondering what to do about this, and that He is still in control, I am aware of the promise that "... the nation or kingdom that will not serve you [God] will perish; it will be utterly ruined" (Isaiah 60:12 NIV). I am afraid that the majority of Americans are quickly forgetting God. "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God". (Psalm 9:17 KJV) I am afraid that the new administration in Washington will forget that God fits in anywhere, even in politics.

With all of this in mind, it is very difficult for me to respect our future President of the United States as a man. However, I believe that we must not let our differences cause us to allow hatred to grow in our hearts and, thus keep us from progressing in the work that we have cut out for us.

We must remember that every American needs to concentrate on the issues that, though controversial, will in the end decide whether we still stand together as a "more perfect union". We have to find a middle ground that will enable us all to still enjoy our freedom to disagree between party lines. There is a failing economy, a war, and numerous other impending threats to our country that need to be resolved. These will not be resolved through hatred or malice, or by disrespecting the position of the President. I may not at present respect "the man", but, I have decided, however, that I will respect his position and title.

I have been so weary of the personal attacks on our current president, President George W. Bush. I believe the overall lack of respect for the position of "Mr. President" has caused our country hurt. I am aware that President Bush is not a popular president. But I am also aware that he is unpopular, partly because the liberal media shows absolutely no respect for the position of the presidency when a conservative president is leading our country.

It is amazing to me that a liberal democrat in the office of "Mr. President" can commit adultery by "having relations" with another woman, and it is laughed off by the liberal media, and not taken seriously.
But a conservative president pronounces "nuclear" incorrectly, and the insults by the media never cease! What happened to respect for the office itself? What are we teaching our children, the future of this country, when we very openly slander the most powerful man on the planet?

On Tuesday night, when it was obvious that Obama would be the next "Mr. President". I turned off the TV, turned to my children and said to them, "Okay, we don't have to like the way this election turned out, but we do have to respect Barak Obama as our next president". I have written a letter to Barak Obama, on behalf the conservative people of America who are not racists, do not necessarily always vote Republican, and who believe in giving him a chance to fulfill a promise to truly represent the people of the United States of America.

President (-elect),

In the next four years, I'm sure there will be many slurs, accusations, and even some hatred toward you. There will be many of us who disagree with you on many issues, and will stand against many of your policies. However, there are those of us who love this country enough to agree to disagree with you, and understand that this is how a true democracy operates. We cannot expect to win every election and maintain balance as a bi-partisan country. We win some, we lose some. We move forward.

We congratulate you for a race well-run: a successfully-operated campaign, a huge victory, and the courage it took for you to say "Yes, we can", despite the opposition you faced. We give you our support as the opposing "team", and ask you to help us in keeping "Our Country First".

We ask that you honor this nation's symbol of freedom and pride, by wearing and saluting the flag. We ask that you and the new administration build our defense, keep our military strong, and help keep us safe from terrorists. We ask you to offer a hand-up to the needy, not a hand-out--by strengthening the job force and education system --not by expanding welfare programs.

We ask that you encourage and allow the hard-working Americans to help the poor, the ill, the widows, and otherwise needy people of our nation, by giving of their resources at their own will; and that you not force an even larger tax burden on them, thus taking away the opportunity and the true spirit of giving from them.

As a single mother of four, with a single income, I understand and appreciate that there are many people in this country who truly can not survive without government assistance. They are the people for whom the welfare system was originally created. However, there are many who choose to parasitically live off of Joe Taxpayer's money. Mr. President, please do not allow this to continue.

Please prove the rumors wrong: That you aren't connected to terrorists, that you do love America and its people, that you are safe, that you want a free democracy, and not a socialist government, that you will improve our educational system, add jobs, successfully end the war, and bring positive change and hope.

There is a Chinese Proverb that says, " To listen well is as powerful a means of influence as to talk well, and is as essential to all true leadership". Mr. President, you are an amazing speaker and motivator. You are a likeable guy. You stated in your acceptance speech that you promise to listen.

Please make us believe that by your actions. I believe you want to "gain respect" from those who didn't vote for you. I believe our current president has failed in taking the time to extinguish America's fears by listening and addressing their concerns. You have the chance to "change" that, thus giving us all "hope".

You will have our respect as a man if you can do that.

For now, we will continue to support your title of office, Mr. President. Our prayers are with you as you endeavor to bring hope to so many.
God bless you and your family, and God Bless America.

-Joe Taxpayer--AKA: Deanna Cottrell, Mother of Four

1 comment:

Lloyd & Kristi said...

Very well stated. However, the only thing I might change is this: We have to respect him because he is the future President.
As some of my children were following the election and feeling angry about the outcome of the election I told them this--I don't want to hear anything disrespectful spoken toward the office of the President. We don't have to respect the man necessarily but we must always respect the office.