Monday, November 3, 2008

Heidi's Favorite Place to Live

I grew up in Colorado Springs living there a total of 16 years. Of course it has to be my favorite place! I love to suburban feel and most important, the view! Mountains don't get more beautiful and seeing Pike Peak after four years of being away actually made me cry. It's home.
Having said that, I can't complain about anywhere I've lived. There are things to complain about everywhere, so you just have to find the positive things and focus on them. Rexburg was cold, but we had a great time watching people slip and fall on the ice, and the summers were great as long as you didn't get stuck behind a sunbird driving down the road. Utah (first Provo, then Clearfield) was great because of it's central location to family. We were able to see family all the time while we lived there, and the Stadium of Fire was a big bonus. Blacksburg was just beautiful! It is my second favorite place. If we had family closer, we'd live there forever. Danville is proving to be a challenge to really like, but I enjoy the historical sights (Gettysburg is 2 hours, Philly and NYC 2 1/2) and the small town may grow on me after a few years. We'll have to see. My public library is awesome! It's pretty small, but the building itself is so neat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

it's hard to get used to a new place - but you'll love it when it's time to leave. And your house is getting so pretty!