Sunday, November 2, 2008

Where Mindy Likes Living... Plus an Update

I have enjoyed something about everywhere I've lived. I don't remember Utah much, but I used to love the plum trees in the back yard. Or were they in the Hardcastles' backyard? In Colorado I loved having Pikes Peak out the kitchen window. Watching the fireworks off the Peak on New Years'. I liked the hail storms, even though they were scary sometimes. In Rexburg I liked having so many Mormons living all around. In Pocatello there weren't quite as many, but a lot and I Iiked that there too. I also loved being able to watch Conference on TV. I liked having everything we needed, but not living in a huge city. I liked having a temple so close. I really liked being able to take a jaunt down to Utah to see Jeny, Holly, and Nickell. And here I like all the activities they have for families all summer. I like the climate. More mild than Pocatello, and more humid but not too much more. I like the friendly people of a smaller community. I actually like that there aren't as many Mormons here so that the kids get the experience of being in the minority too. I like living out in the country. It's very quiet.

The kids had a fun Halloween. Jonah told me a month ago that he wanted to be a dragon, so I've been working on that. Megan told me two weeks ago that she wanted to be Cookie Monster. That one didn't happen. Fake fur costs too much. So she was a cheerleader. Kate told me Monday that she wanted to be a princess, and could we go look at pattern books. She was devastated when I told her there wasn't enough time for me to make her a costume. I had her look through my dresses and she found one she was happy with. I had her hair all up in a pretty do, but the bobby pins started hurting her head after a couple of hours and she wouldn't leave it alone, so it fell out. I wish I'd gotten a picture before. It really was pretty. Dylan put on his suit and said he was James Bond. Jason found a Superman costume. I'm not going to tell where he found it. His last class on Friday was canceled, so we went trick or treating early, about 2:30, up and down Main Street. It was a good thing we went early, because we got home and it started raining and didn't stop all night. We didn't have a single trick-or-treater come to our door. I wasn't too surprised though. We had tortilla soup for dinner, watched the Goonies, and went to bed. It was a fun day.


Amy said...

Oh please tell! Now you've got us all wondering where the superman costume came from.
The plum trees were behind Hardcastle's and Borbas lining the creek.

Unknown said...

yeah, where did the superman costume come from? It's great, no matter where you got it! I miss you all!!